I don't have a sewing machinge (well I do, several actually, but not a one of them made it on the cross country trip to Hicksville) so I will be making it the old fashioned way!
I am SOOOOOO excited!!
I also found a pattern (I almost said recipe, oops!) for a sock ELEPHANT. Cute!

We find out on Monday if the little tyke is a boy or a girl, and I can't wait to start getting things ready. People keep asking me what our "theme" is going to be. (Babies come with themes??) I want it to be DINOSAURS. My husband is skeptical of this. He thinks that girls don't like dinosaurs. But I do! I guess I don't count.

<--- This little bugger begs to differ!
I am already toying with the idea of a sockosaurii experiment. I think I'll try my hand at the Monkey just to get the hang of it. Who knows, may be IU (Identity Unknown) will have a sock baby collection. HA! I like the idea of it...